Rutledge Productions

Closing the Book.

Recently we here at Rutledge Productions opened a remote office in Lafayette Louisiana. Some may wonder why that is important, but anytime you can open a new office over a thousand miles away, it is a time to celebrate. But we digress. The more important part of the move was the first thing shot down there.

We have officially finished filming on The Black Book. Yes you heard, the project we thought would never end has officially wrapped and is in final post production. There were hurdles, and giant boulders that stood in our way, but we finally did it. And out of the new office.

So look for more information as we get closer to a release date for The Black Book. And Greetings from Louisiana!

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Rutledge Productions

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Rutledge Productions

Rutledge Productions

Rutledge Productions is a media production company responsible for films such as "Old Dogs Never Die" and the newest feature film "The Black Book"

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Rutledge Productions
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